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I haven’t had many years of practice YET, but so far I’ve made a few mini games of my own that are still works in progress while I continue studying Game Developement. I have done Desktop Software Development using Visual Basic as well as Mobile app development through Shaw Academy Online See my contact information below and get in touch.

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My skills and specialities include GameMaker Studio, RPG Maker MV, Adventure Game Studio, Android Studio and Visual Studio.

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My portfolio showcases various personal projects created throughout my career. Subscribe to my site to get updated when I add new stuff.

About Me

My name is Damian de Lange and I am 29 years old.

I’ve always had a huge interest in Gaming but wanted to know more about how the games are actually developed. Im currently a IT Educator for Advance For Life Christian Academy where i teach children aged 6 to 14 about the basics of computers. While researching things to do with my learners I found more and more info about creating games. I Started by watching tutorials I found on Youtube.com and fiddled around with various different programming languages and software until I found where I felt comfortable.

I’ve made a few small games of my own (mostly RPG’s) to learn the features that each of the software had to offer.

I have a major game idea in progress but I am hoping to get a Team together in the future so I can get my dream game up and running as well as to give job opportunities to other game developers who are needing somewhere to start.

When I get home from work my first and foremost activity I enjoy the most is to spend time with my wife and daughter, they come first in everything I do. Only once they are settled for a good nights rest, then I get on my pc and start playing around with my game development.

I enjoy seeing and hearing what interests my daughter has so i can work on an educational game thats custom to her Likes?



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